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The Moms' Business Directory is a great way to get in front of Northwest Arkansas women and mothers who are searching for something specific. This directory is mobile-friendly and is easily searchable by smartphone, tablet or desktop computer, so moms can quickly find a company's name and number.

We list business names and phone numbers in a given category for free, as a service to our readers and local business owners. If you want your company's listing to show more detailed information (address, website link, description of services, etc.) purchase an upgraded level of exposure in the directory.

To receive a rate sheet and a copy of our Reader Demographics Study, email a request to and we'll reply with the details.

For display and editorial advertising opportunities, check out sister site, -- the largest mom-focused website in Northwest Arkansas. Launched in 2008, has become the most popular online magazine for local moms.

Founders Gwen Rockwood and Shannon Magsam are professional writers and bloggers who update daily with fresh, original content on topics including local events, affordable outings, recipes, beauty and fashion, health, relationships, celebrity news, mom life and more.

Check it out by CLICKING HERE or listen to Gwen and Shannon during their morning drive-time radio segment on Magic 107.9 called "Mamas on Magic."


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